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Monday, September 16, 2024

U.S Aid Will Destroy Us, Imran Khan Reminds His Words Said 11 Years Ago

Imran Khan reminds what he said 11 years ago about US aid and its impact on Pakistan. As Imran Khan has been saying for decades that military action is not the solution to the Afghanistan issue, he posted an 11-year old interview with BBC HardTalk on his official Facebook page.

In that interview, he said Pakistan lost over $70 billion economy and thousands of innocent lives became victims of terrorism just because Pakistan allowed American involvement.

Imran Khan countered the US narrative and said your only priority should be no terrorism from Pakistani soil and let us deal with it in our way and wait for the result instead of jumping in and creating more conflict. He added we don’t need your aid, your money, it doesn’t mean we are ending the relationship with you, but if we became a puppet in front of our people, it will create more resistance against you.

Link to Imran Khan’s interview


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