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Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Cornel West, A Harvard Professor Resigns From His Position Amid Anti Palestine Elements In Harvard

Dr. Cornel West, an intellectual-political activist, was a Professor at the Harvard School of Divinity who shared his resignation letter on Twitter. He claimed that Harvard is decaying, as his ideology about Palestine caused him trouble in university.

West, in his letter, shared his views about the current state of Harvard. He alleged that he was denied tenure because of his support towards the Palestinian cause. He was warned before finally resigning this year.

West said that his critical handling when talking about Israel is the reason why he was denied tenure. He also called Harvard’s hostility towards Palestine as disgusting. He further added that the university’s cold response to his mother’s demise was also because of his views which did not coincide with the administration’s. Calling the Palestinian issue is “Taboo” in Harvard, he taunted the institute. “Let us bear witness against this spiritual rot!”, these are his words condemning the scenario.

A petition is being circulated that condemns the university’s denial of tenure to Dr West by his supporters. He had been a professor of the practice of public philosophy in the divinity school at Harvard. His resignation has undoubtedly stormed the nations and awakened the sleeping ones. As an intellectual has left a world-known institute supporting a global conflict, going against his near ones but not his ideology, one must say.

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