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Tuesday, April 1, 2025

US China Rivalry, It’s Implications And Way Forward For Pakistan./Opinion By Muhtasim Afridi

Pakistan might face severe implications due to the US-China rivalry, as the country has strong relationships with both economies. Self-interest is the only factor that influences a state’s decision on which side to support in a crisis or rivalry because states are rational actors. If Pakistan is to continue maintaining diplomatic relations with both major powers, it must carefully consider its interests while deciding whether to support China or the US in a continuous battle. The crucial issue is that Pakistan is dependent on both countries ranging from economic assistance to technological help. Pakistan receives several forms of support from both China and the US. To help the nation get back on its feet, the US offers loans and other forms of economic support. For the sake of preserving a peaceful relationship, China, on the other hand, aids Pakistan technologically, diplomatically, and in other ways.

The US-China rivalry dates back a long time. For decades, the US has maintained its position as the world’s hegemon, and it consistently acts in such a manner. It constantly struggles to address the economic and security needs of second and third-world countries in order to preserve its hegemony. The US has invested billions of dollars in its military throughout the war on terror, notably focusing on Al-Qaeda (in Afghanistan) and other terrorist organisations based in the middle east.

The US must resolve international conflicts and retain its integrity if it is to keep its position as the world’s hegemon. It appears that the US has resisted finding solutions to problems like the Israel-Palestine conflict, the Kashmir dispute, the Ukraine crisis, and the Iran and Saudi crises throughout the past 20 years.

The United States appears to be a victim of “Imperial Overstretch.” The world witnessed Russia’s invasion of its neighbour, Ukraine, on February 24, 2022, which is a glaring example of the US failing to maintain its position as the world’s hegemon.

While the US is stuck in a bad predicament, China is paving the path and profiting from it. Over the past ten years, China has been involved in a number of international projects, including the Belt and Road Initiative, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Digital Silk Road, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation, the China-Africa Cooperation Forum, and the China-Europe Railway Express, all of which have had a significant positive impact on its economy and other sectors.

The US has continued to dominate the world, but it has been unable to persuade the longtime foes Iran and Saudi Arabia to cooperate. China recently mediated the agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran, presenting itself as a friendly nation. Aside from everything else, this was one of China’s most significant and effective initiatives, demonstrating its ability and desire to forge international cooperation.

Given their trade agreements and other economic ties, Pakistan will directly be affected by the US-China competition. If Pakistan is determined to be completely slanted in favour of China, the US may decide to discontinue providing economic support to Pakistan. If Pakistan creates ambiguity in this fierce struggle, the IMF plan and stand-by arrangement that prevented Pakistan from nearly going into default may not be seen again.

The friendship between Pakistan and China is as firm as iron. China has a commercial route with and serves as an ally to Pakistan. The two neighbours exchange a tremendous amount of commodities. Rice, cherries, sesame seeds, and other agricultural items are among the many exports Pakistan sends to China. China has invested in Pakistan and continues to do so in a variety of fields, including the military and the economy. Therefore, it would be extremely detrimental for Pakistan to defy China’s wishes or refuse to support its policies.

In conclusion, the level of unrest and instability is rising, and Pakistan’s decision over whether to align itself with China or the US is also growing more challenging. Security specialists believe there is a chance that if two blocs form in the future, as happened during World War II, things could become more complicated. In the meanwhile, it will undoubtedly have consequences for Pakistan if it is caught in the middle of the ongoing struggle. Pakistan is already dealing with severe internal and external difficulties, including political unrest, military threats, a fragile economy, food shortages, and, most importantly, excessive inflation rates. Pakistan must now make choices that best advance the national interest.

The Author Is An Undergraduate Student Of Bachelors In Strategic Studies At National Defence University, Islamabad. The author writes at @MuhtasimAfridi On X (former Twitter app)

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